Coffee Blog
Tips and tricks on tea and coffee as well as capsules for Nespresso machines. Read online now!

Single Origin or Blend? What's the difference?
You've probably come across the terms single origin or blend when looking for the perfect coffee. The latest trend can now be found in every roastery and even Starbucks hasn...
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Arabica and Robusta in comparison: Which variety wins the race?
You've probably seen it before: "100% Arabica" is written in large letters on the coffee packaging. We are often subconsciously sold Arabica coffee as the "better...
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Natural or washed coffee - the type of preparation
For many coffee drinkers, the terms natural or washed coffee are still foreign words. Although the type of processing has a big influence on the aroma and can help us choose the per...
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10 tips to use your coffee grounds wisely
Coffee grounds contain a variety of antioxidants that offer protection against free radicals. Free radicals are very ag...
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The 8 biggest coffee myths checked
A coffee in the morning is essential for most Germans - but are we doing something good for our health? Is coffee really a slimming agent or is it even bad for our heart health? We&...
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