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our mission

What remains is the enjoyment.

Wir, die leidenschaftlichen Kaffeeproduzenten von „My Coffee Cup“, sind uns einig in unserem unerschütterlichen Engagement für nachhaltigen Kaffee. Unser Engagement geht über das Gebräu hinaus – es ist eine Liebeserklärung an unseren Planeten und die kommenden Generationen.

Mit jeder Bohne, die wir beschaffen, jeder Röstung, die wir perfektionieren, und jeder Tasse, die wir einschenken, verpflichten wir uns, sanft mit dieser Erde umzugehen. Wir weigern uns, die Zukunft für flüchtige Momente des Vergnügens aufs Spiel zu setzen. Stattdessen nehmen wir die Herausforderung an, außergewöhnlichen Kaffee herzustellen und gleichzeitig die Welt zu pflegen, die uns ernährt.

Unsere Liebe zu nachhaltigem Kaffee ist ein Pakt mit der Natur selbst. Wir versprechen, die Saat des Wandels zu säen und Kaffee anzubauen, der im Einklang mit der Umwelt gedeiht. Bei unseren Methoden stehen Umweltschutz, ethische Praktiken und Respekt für die Gemeinschaften, die unsere Kaffeereise ermöglichen, im Vordergrund.

Als Hüter von Tradition und Innovation widmen wir uns der Schaffung von Aromen, die die Sinne verwöhnen und die Essenz der Regionen zelebrieren, aus denen unsere Bohnen stammen. Aber unsere Liebe geht über den Geschmack hinaus – sie ist ein Engagement für einen blühenden Planeten und blühende Gemeinschaften.

Helfen Sie uns dabei, eine Tasse nachhaltigen Kaffee zu erschaffen – eine Tasse voller Leidenschaft, Verantwortung und dem unbezwingbaren Willen, mit jedem Schluck eine bessere Welt zu schaffen.

Mit Liebe und Nachhaltigkeit in jeder Bohne,

My Coffee Cup Team

Best organic coffee

The selection of excellent ingredients creates the basis for first-class quality. Our organic coffees come from sustainably managed plantations in Central America, South America and Africa.

In compostable² capsules

Our capsules are real geniuses. They consist mainly of bio-based raw materials (about 96%) and can be composted in the garden. After use, you can dispose of them in the garden compost, household waste or in the compost bin². And they ensure that the full, intense aroma of our organic coffees is retained for at least 3 years. Our capsules can be used in all standard Nespresso®³ machines.

Roasted & packed with love and expertise

For an excellent natural taste, we use the most modern aroma-preserving processes in coffee refinement - from the careful selection of organic Arabica and organic Robusta beans by our experienced coffee sommeliers to careful drum roasting to the solvent-free decaffeination of our decaf according to Swiss -Water method.

What remains is the enjoyment.

The products from MY COFFEE CUP are 100% CO₂-neutral¹. We believe that enjoyment should not come at the expense of nature, the climate or other people. That is why we have developed products that combine excellent organic enjoyment, convenient preparation and a clear conscience.

Our mission is

At the heart of the commitment of MY COFFEE CUP and MY TEA CUP is the idea of ​​combining modern enjoyment with sustainable and responsible action. We want to inspire as many people as possible worldwide for high-quality, environmentally friendly organic products in order to make our contribution to health, happiness and prosperity. That's why we use all our strength and expertise to bring better, more resource-saving and socially responsible products onto the market.

Best organic tea

The origin of our teas is as global as that of our customers. In many different countries, our tea experts select the best harvests from organically certified cultivation.

Packed & finished in Germany

Our organic teas presented us with a challenge: a tea usually has to steep for around three to five minutes in order to develop its full flavor. However, when prepared in a Nespresso®³ machine, the tea only comes into contact with water for a few seconds. Therefore, our engineers have researched intensively and developed the Aroma Technology. The special mechanical crushing process ensures that our tea leaves, herbs and fruits fully develop their wonderful aroma, their intoxicating fragrance and their intensive colors within around 40 seconds.

Here, too, only enjoyment remains.

The products from MY TEA CUP are 100% CO₂-neutral¹. We believe that enjoyment should not come at the expense of nature, the climate or other people. That is why we have developed products that combine excellent organic enjoyment, convenience and a good conscience.

About Us

We are modern connoisseurs. The founders Dirk N. Tillmann and Max Sandherr are supported by a team of experts: coffee and tea experts, engineers, material scientists, marketing and sales talents, sports and nutritional medicine. So many different personalities, skills and biographies - but we have one thing in common: our lifestyle. We are active, play sports and pay attention to healthy eating. We love pleasure, we love nature and we love convenience. All of this is combined in our products: Exquisite organic coffee and organic tea in compostable² capsules, CO₂-neutral¹ produced, packaged and shipped.