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Autumnal drinks with tea capsules

This is how it gets cozy!

Autumn is here! The leaves are changing colors, the air is getting cooler and the evenings are getting longer. This season is all about warming notes like cinnamon, cloves, anise and cardamom. Together with fruity components like apple, pear or orange and the subtle sweetness of honey or maple syrup, full-bodied drinks are created that warm the body and soul. Combined with different types of tea such as black tea, rooibos or herbal blends, our cocktails invite you on a true journey of pleasure.
It's easy with our practical tea capsules. Discover our favorite recipes here!

Spicy Chai Latte with Caramel

Spicy Chai Latte with Caramel

Nespresso kompatible Kapseln - charm of chai - MyCoffeeCup.deNespresso kompatible Kapseln - charm of chai -
Organic Charm of Chai Offerab €3,29| €0,33 pro Kapsel
Nespresso kompatible Kapseln - charm of chai - MyCoffeeCup.deNespresso kompatible Kapseln - charm of chai -
Organic Charm of Chai Offerab €3,29| €0,33 pro Kapsel
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A spicy chai latte is a fall classic, but we give it a special flavor with a sweet caramel note!


  • 1 organic Royal Rooibos Vanilla tea capsule
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • mint leaves and orange slices for garnish


  1. Prepare organic Royal Rooibos Vanilla tea with the tea capsule machine and let it cool.
  2. Pour orange juice, lemon juice and maple syrup into a glass and mix well.
  3. Add the cooled Rooibos tea and serve with ice cubes.
  4. Decorate with mint leaves and orange slices.



Nespresso kompatible Kapseln - english breakfast tea - MyCoffeeCup.deNespresso kompatible Kapseln - english breakfast tea -
Organic English Breakfast Offerab €3,29| €0,33 pro Kapsel
Nespresso kompatible Kapseln - english breakfast tea - MyCoffeeCup.deNespresso kompatible Kapseln - english breakfast tea -
Organic English Breakfast Offerab €3,29| €0,33 pro Kapsel
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A warm apple punch with cinnamon brings a lot of autumn mood. Perfect for cozy evenings or small autumn parties!


  • 1 tea capsule Organic English Breakfast Tea
  • 150 ml apple juice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • apple slices for garnish
  • Optional: 50 ml rum or calvados for the adults


  1. Brew organic English Breakfast tea with the tea capsule machine.
  2. Heat the apple juice in a saucepan and add the cinnamon stick. Do not boil!
  3. Pour the tea and apple juice together into a glass and season with honey.
  4. Optionally add the alcohol.
  5. Garnish with an apple slice and serve warm.

Herbstlicher Rooibos-Cocktail

Herbstlicher Rooibos-Cocktail

Nespresso kompatible Kapseln - royal rooibos vanilla - MyCoffeeCup.deNespresso kompatible Kapseln - royal rooibos vanilla -
Organic Royal Rooibos vanilla Offerab €3,29| €0,33 pro Kapsel
Nespresso kompatible Kapseln - royal rooibos vanilla - MyCoffeeCup.deNespresso kompatible Kapseln - royal rooibos vanilla -
Organic Royal Rooibos vanilla Offerab €3,29| €0,33 pro Kapsel
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Dieser alkoholfreie Cocktail verbindet die herben Noten des Rooibos-Tees mit frischen Zitrusaromen und einem Hauch Minze. Ideal als Nachmittagscocktail oder Begleiter zu herbstlichen Leckereien!


  • 1 Teekapsel Bio Royal Rooibos Vanilla
  • 100 ml frisch gepresster Orangensaft
  • 1 TL Zitronensaft
  • 1 TL Ahornsirup
  • Minzblätter und Orangenscheiben zum Garnieren


  1. Bio Royal Rooibos Vanilla Tee mit der Teekapselmaschine zubereiten und abkühlen lassen.
  2. Orangensaft, Zitronensaft und Ahornsirup in ein Glas geben und gut verrühren.
  3. Den abgekühlten Rooibos Tee hinzufügen und mit Eiswürfeln servieren.
  4. Mit Minzblättern und Orangenscheiben dekorieren.

Warm berry mulled wine

Warm berry mulled wine

product Offer€49,99
product Offer€49,99
product Offer€49,99
product Offer€49,99
product Offer€49,99
product Offer€49,99
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This tea cocktail is reminiscent of classic mulled wine, but is child-friendly and alcohol-free thanks to the tea capsules used!


  • 1 tea capsule Bio Happy Fruits
  • 150 ml red grape juice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 cloves
  • 1 tablespoon honey or agave syrup


  1. Prepare organic Royal Rooibos Vanilla tea with the tea capsule machine and let it cool.
  2. Pour orange juice, lemon juice and maple syrup into a glass and mix well.
  3. Add the cooled Rooibos tea and serve with ice cubes.
  4. Decorate with mint leaves and orange slices.

tea cocktail tips

Here are some useful hints and tips to make autumn tea recipes particularly aromatic and seasonally coordinated: